Grant Application Form IOHA 2023

(+Country code) Number
Leave an email address that you check frequently
Street number, street name
Room, unit, or apartment number
Local details for your address
Larger details for your address
Country wherein your address sits
Postcode, post code, PIN or ZIP Code
If you are not presenting, you can leave this blank
List any relevant authors. If you are not presenting, you can leave this blank.
Describe the presentation thesis, purpose, intent, or summary of content. If you are not presenting, you can leave this blank,
Why is it important for you to present at the conference? If you are not presenting, you can leave this blank.
List any additional sources of funding. If you have no other forms of funding, you can leave this blank.
Value of funding available to you. Please use USD or EUR or list currency type. If you have no other forms of funding, you can leave this blank.
What is the purpose of these funding sources? If you have no other forms of funding, you can leave this blank.
Request amount for housing during conference. Please include currency (USD or EUR)
Request amount for event registration costs. Please include currency (USD or EUR)
Request amount for event travel costs. Please include currency (USD or EUR)
Request amount for additional costs. Please specify those costs. Please include currency (USD or EUR)
You must check both acknowledgements to be eligible for grant consideration.
You must check both declarations to be eligible for grant consideration.