The 16th National Oral History Meeting: the Pandemic and Possible Futures 25-28 July, 2022

The Brazilian Association of Oral History (ABHO) is thrilled to invite the community of researchers from various areas of human knowledge, professors and any individuals interested on the topic from all regions of Brazil and the world to the 16th National Oral History Meeting , to be hosted by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in partnership with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). The event will take place from the 25th to 28th of July, 2022. The 16th National Oral History Meeting: the Pandemic and Possible Futures aims to promote dialogues between academia and society in general in times crossed by the pandemic and threats to democracy. What are the challenges of oral history movement in the face of the dystopian pandemic that makes us rethink our practice as researchers committed to the reconstruction of our country and the world? We propose to think about the present time and to what extent the memories collected and built by us create new knowledge and help us to have hope, showing us paths of (re)existences, solidarity and actions that can contribute to face new challenges and invent new utopias.